What is sustainable web design?

Sustainable web design is the practice of designing and developing websites with the goal of reducing their environmental impact.

This is achieved through a combination of efficient coding, optimised content, and eco-friendly web hosting. By minimising the amount of energy consumed during data transfers and server operations, sustainable web design helps lower carbon emissions and contributes to a greener internet.

Sustainable web design is not just a trend; it’s a movement that has the potential to change the way we approach online presence and customer engagement.
— Tim Frick, author of 'Designing for Sustainability'

Benefits of sustainable web design

  • Lower environmental impact: Reducing the energy consumption of your website helps lower its carbon footprint.

  • Enhanced user experience: Faster loading times and improved accessibility result in a better experience for users.

  • Positive brand image: Showcasing your commitment to sustainability can create a positive impression among customers and stakeholders.

  • Cost savings: Optimising your website can lead to lower server costs and reduced bandwidth usage.

Common improvements

Organisations can make several improvements to optimise their websites, such as:

  1. Optimising images and videos: Reducing file sizes while maintaining quality.

  2. Efficient coding: Using clean, well-structured code and minimising heavy libraries or frameworks.

  3. Green web hosting: Choosing a hosting provider that uses renewable energy or offsets carbon emissions.

  4. Reducing HTTP requests: Combining and minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and leveraging browser caching.

  5. Mobile optimisation: Ensuring websites are optimised for mobile devices, which typically use less energy.

  6. Dark mode: Implementing a dark mode option to reduce energy consumption on OLED and AMOLED screens.

  7. System fonts: Using system fonts instead of custom fonts to reduce server requests and downloads.

  8. Accessibility and performance: Ensuring websites are fast-loading, responsive, and accessible to all users.

How to measure your carbon footprint

Before getting started, it can be useful to assess your current carbon footprint. This will help you identify areas that need the most attention and track your progress over time.

  1. Use online tools: Several tools, such as Website Carbon Calculator, can estimate your website's carbon emissions.

  2. Analyse hosting provider: Assess the energy efficiency and sustainability practices of your hosting provider.

  3. Evaluate website performance: Use performance analysis tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse to identify areas of improvement.

By understanding your website's current environmental impact, you can establish a baseline for future progress and prioritise sustainable web design practices.

How to get started

  • Begin with one of the most straightforward yet effective steps in creating a sustainable website—optimising images and videos.

    Use compression tools: Tools like TinyPNG and ImageOptim can compress images without losing quality.

    Choose the right format: Save images in modern formats like WebP for better compression and quality.

    Implement lazy loading: Load images and videos only when they become visible on the user's screen.

  • The foundation of any sustainable website is clean and efficient code that minimises the resources required for loading and running the site.

    Review and refactor code: Remove unnecessary code, redundancies, and outdated elements.

    Utilise lightweight frameworks: Choose lightweight libraries or frameworks like Vue.js or Preact instead of more resource-intensive options.

    Minify CSS and JavaScript files: Use tools like UglifyJS or CSSNano to remove extra spaces, comments, and line breaks.

  • Reducing the number of HTTP requests can significantly improve your website's performance and sustainability.

    Combine CSS and JavaScript files: Merge multiple files into single, consolidated files for each type.

    Enable browser caching: Set appropriate cache headers to allow browsers to store resources locally.

    Use sprites or icon fonts: Combine multiple images/icons into a single file to reduce server requests.

    By focusing on these key areas, you can take the first steps toward a more sustainable web design that benefits both your users and the environment.

The urgency of optimisation

Climate change is a pressing global issue, and organisations need to proactively reduce their environmental impact. By implementing sustainable web design practices, businesses can contribute to a greener future while addressing the concerns of environmentally conscious users and stakeholders. Adopting eco-friendly measures in web design enhances the user experience, optimises website performance, and ensures seamless access to content.

Promoting a positive brand image through sustainable web design appeals to the growing number of consumers who actively seek environmentally responsible products and services. In turn, this helps businesses attract and retain a loyal customer base. Fast-loading and responsive websites rank higher in search engine results, increasing visibility and organic traffic.


Sustainable web design is a crucial aspect of modern digital marketing, offering numerous benefits for both the environment and your organisation. By adopting sustainable practices, professional services marketers can improve user experience, foster a positive brand image, and contribute to a greener internet. Don't wait - now is the time to optimise your website for a sustainable future.

Tools referenced

  1. Website Carbon Calculator

  2. Google PageSpeed Insights

  3. Lighthouse

  4. TinyPNG

  5. ImageOptim

  6. UglifyJS

  7. CSSNano

  8. Vue.js

  9. Preact


  1. Frick, T., 2016. Designing for Sustainability: A Guide to Building Greener Digital Products and Services. O'Reilly Media.

  2. Biilmann, M., 2021. The Benefits of Green Web Design. GreenBiz.

  3. Hines, S., 2020. Sustainable Web Design: The Future of the Internet. Business.com.

  4. Patel, N., 2021. How to Create an Eco-Friendly Website. Neil Patel. Available at:

  5. Greenpeace, 2017. Clicking Clean: Who is Winning the Race to Build a Green Internet?. Greenpeace.

  6. Osborne, H., 2019. 7 Tips for Creating a Sustainable Web Design. Wix Blog.

  7. Wholegrain Digital, 2021. The Essential Guide to Sustainable Web Design. Wholegrain Digital.

  8. Sustainable Web Manifesto, n.d. Sustainable Web Manifesto. Sustainable Web Manifesto.

  9. Lighthouse, V., 2021. How to Make Your Website More Sustainable. Envato Tuts+.

  10. Carbon, D., 2021. The Environmental Impact of Web Design: What You Need to Know. Webflow Blog