

 This site owned by Katanya LLP uses cookies. We use cookies for three purposes:

To track whether you have opted in or out of allowing cookies

Yup, consistent with EU regulations, we track whether or not you’ve opted in for cookies and no other cookies are stored unless you do opt-in.


We use Google Analytics to track usage of our site to help make things better and measure where we are doing well and where we can improve. We do track your full IP which in the EU is considered PII. If you opt-in for cookies, we will use that information.


From time to time we use Facebook and/or Google AdWords Remarketing to advertise Katanya across the Internet. Services like Google’s AdWords remarketing will display relevant ads tailored to you based on what parts of the website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your machine. This cookie does not in any way identify you or give access to your computer. The cookie is used to say "This person visited this page, so show them ads relating to that page." Google AdWords Remarketing allows us to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you (we hope).

If you do not wish to participate in our Google AdWords Remarketing, you can opt out by visiting Google's Ads Preferences Manager. You can also opt out of any third-party vendor's use of cookies by visiting:

Worried about those pesky cookies?

If you have questions email us at

And rest well knowing that at any time you can review your browser’s settings and delete any and all cookies pertaining to this site (and any others you visit) 😊

Updates and changes to this statement

Occasionally, we may change this policy. Should we do so, we will post a notification on the Site. Changes will take effect from the date they are posted.

And because we couldn’t help ourselves: World’s best chocolate chip cookies

For a great example of SEO check out this page:

Last reviewed: 16 January 2022