Tools, time-savers and experiments.

We love creating tools for developers and marketers to solve problems or work more efficiently. Here’s some of the tools the team have built for themselves and we know you'll find some of them useful too.

Our meta5 tool

Use our Meta5 search optimisation tool to curate the foundations of a high ranking page in search engines

Bookmarklet Generator

Streamline tasks by generating a bookmarklet using our tool.

Image to inline data

Convert images as inline data URIs

Base 64 encoder

Easily encode and decode base64 data.

JSON formatter

The JSON Formatter is a formatting tool specifically for JSON files or pieces of code.


Encode pieces of text for batch files (with escaped characters) and functions which include URLs as variables (while skipping query strings).

Emoji cheat sheet

The Emoji cheat sheet provides a simple table containing all the emojis currently able to be viewed in browser, along with their UTF-8 code and CSS reference.

Unique value checker

The Unique Value Checker is a text tool which identifies duplicate values within text.

Video to storyboard

The storyboard tool analyses the frames of a local video and finds each time the camera angle changes.

Image colour analyser

The Colour Palette tool analyses the colours of an uploaded image.

Whitespace Remover

The Whitespace Remover is an online word formatting tool which takes pasted or typed text and removes all whitespace from the text.

Word Count

The Word Count tool provides insights on pasted or typed text.