Aligning aspirations: 2022’s war for talent
2022 will bring dual recruitment challenges: Reach + conversion. Reaching the right candidates and converting them into applicants.
With ongoing waves in the great resignation, the normalisation of remote and hybrid work and the emergence of digital nomads, recruiters are faced with ‘supply’ challenges. First they must find the potential recruits and then highlight how the potential employer aligns with the potential recruit’s values and needs.
Top 5 for aligning to their needs
Remote (which can mean distant from the office too) and hybrid work is the new norm
Flexible hours
Connectedness (how will you support them being connected to their team and to your mission?)
Opportunity (Think: internal mobility, geographic mobility, upskilling)
Value-alignment (mission, company culture and values)
Top 5 for finding candidates
Proactive recruiting connecting with people who are not actively looking for a new role
Increased use of social media (and of course LinkedIn)
Faster virtual recruitment, better talent assessment tools and onboarding
Crunching the numbers and working internal talent pools harder
Renewing internal referral programmes to extend internal ‘tribes’
We compiled this list based on what we’re seeing and hearing and what other specialists in the fields of recruitment and technology are discussing. How do these challenges convert into web and technology tactics? We’re already seeing an uptick in clients seeking integrations between systems. For example, integrating Workday job search and listings directly into the corporate site and job website advertising. We’re also seeing renewed planning for streaming candidate experience from selection to onboarding and how that onboarding experience looks in the new hybrid world. Efforts to ensure alignment between an organisation’s marketing and employer branding and recruiting messages across all materials including job advertisements also appears to be on the rise.
Aligning digital content to candidates’ aspirations: A quick case study
We recently had a client who recognised the need to keep on improving and they wanted to add some extra TLC when it came to recruiting staff. We’d been working with this client to improve the recruitment section of their website but believed a workshop would help our client, and us, nail down the direction and refine the goals.
An understanding of where the website content did and did not align with the ideal candidates' needs and where the recruitment process and onboarding could improve.
Two groups of participants. The first the recruiting team and the second new recruits (aka ideal candidates) from six weeks to nine months.
Five fast-paced 45 minute workshops using online video conferencing, break-out rooms and virtual whiteboards.
The sessions were slide free in favour of a more grass roots approach to figuring out our client’s main goal: getting down to the nitty gritty of what really lures potential recruits to choose one company over another. For the first session, we pulled in our client’s recruiters and human resource team to let them vent about what didn’t and to celebrate what did work. In a roundtable discussion with the assistance of some virtual whiteboards to quickly capture their thoughts and ideas, we found out what trends they were seeing, what kind of recruits stood out for them and who their traditional and non-traditional competitors were. Being able to see it all written out in front of them got everyone thinking.
For the next sessions, we wanted to get everyone thinking bigger and providing feedback that was more than politesse and platitudes. We asked the new recruits to think about their recent employment as a stepping stone and asked them to share where they wanted to go after this in terms of their career goals and what they wanted to achieve before they retired — needless to say, our silent observers (the recruiters) nearly fell off their chairs!
It worked and the results were insightful. Trust was quickly established and we encouraged candour in the recruits. Each spoke about what initially attracted them to our client’s business, what proved true once they started; and what surprises had popped up along the way.
Participants told us they wanted to work in and feel connected to a great team; have societal impact; and work in a place with start-up like vibes. That is: value alignment, proactive efforts to support team culture, proof and connection to sustainability and a workplace that isn’t just hybrid friendly but flexible, fun and building towards something. This in turn allowed us to identify ways to better align the recruitment experience from job advertisements, to website, application process and supporting materials to what great candidates were looking for.
The end result: 10% increase in reach and a 50% increase in applications.
Tidbits and takeaways
Engage stakeholders in deep and meaningful conversations — even if the end outcome is simply validating what you already have.
Map out and review the candidate’s entire recruitment and onboarding experience and work out where you can make it faster and more engaging.
You probably don’t need a whole new website. You just need to realign and refresh what you have.
Mapping out your next steps
This year is going to be challenging and for many organisations there will need to be a shift from connecting with active job seekers to reaching out to passive but potential candidates. This increases the importance of employer branding and delivering on that brand promise. Which steps in your process can you remove or shift until after the candidate has been secured? Where can you get greater alignment and value from your existing content and technology? And how can you add in some unexpected surprise and delight?
Got some feedback? We’d love to hear whether these opportunities and challenges align with your organisation.